- Mercury is the 1st planet from the sun.
- The distance from the Sun is 77.3 Million km.
- The amount of Mass that Mercury has is 33,022 x 10^23 kg.
- Its diameter is 4,880 km.
- Mercury takes 59 days to do its rotation.
- It takes Mercury 88 days to go around the Sun and complete its revolution.
- Mercury has no moons and is a Terrestrial planet, meaning is made by rocks.
- Mercury has no true atmosphere.
- It is the closest planet to the Sun.
- This planet is covered in craters, these are caused by the meteorites and asteroids that hit the planet.
- The first visit to Mercury was made by the Mariner 10 Spacecraft, in 1974.
- If you were to stand on Mercury, the Sun would appear two and a half times bigger than what it looks like from Earth.
Interesting Facts
- Mercury was named after a Roman god.
- Is the second smallest planet.
- Mercury has the largest eccentricity, it has 0.206.
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